Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In Appropriate Placement Of Stops Is A Mjor Cause Of Trading Failure

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

Some interesting Forex Trading principles have been extracted from interviews with experienced successful traders and are listed below. You DON T need to know the direction the price is going to go to trade the Forex market.

These are bound to surprise many traders and may explain why 95 succeed. The straddle trading techniques will help you to have successful trades even when you are unsure of the direction the price will move. 2 The probability of a transaction being successful is dependent on the potential volatility behind the transaction. Most traders spend 90 on volatility. The amount of PUSH behind the move is more important. What s the use of getting the direction 100 of new traders start trading a technique that they have not personally tested. Testing a technique ensures that you can apply it under any conditions and that you understand it.

They go on the trust of what they have been told. It also gives you an opportunity to add improvements. 9 Keep your safety stops out of the traffic. In many cases an unsuccessful technique can become successful by just increasing the stop levels. In appropriate placement of stops is a mjor cause of trading failure. Spend time finding your personal comfort level in this area. Exiting transactions optimally takes experience. 11 Assume that the market will trend in the direction that it is currently going until you see conclusive proof of a possible reversal The objective of trading is to enter a new trend and stick with it until it is over. 12 Money and risk management is essential to a long term relationship with the Forex Market Many methods used by successful traders are presented for your consideration. There are a number of techniques to not use stops at all. 10 Successful traders find the exit of a successful transaction is the most difficult part of trading.

I don t make recommendations or give advice in this area but knowing the alternatives enable you consider am appropriate one your way of trading. 13 Technical Analysis techniques have strengths and weaknesses. Know then to use Technical Analysis and when not. Know both. Certain indicators only work in trending markets and others in trading markets. It is not only about the entry Find a personal trading strategy that takes your personal circumstance into account. 15 The trading process consists of doing an environmental scan, identifying possible future transactions, managing the transaction, entering the transaction, exiting the transaction, doing a post mortem and reviewing your trading strategy. Some trades can be done without charts. learn as much as you can about trading. 14 A trading strategy contains the time frame traded, trigger signals, warning signals, ways of managing the transaction, way of exiting the transaction, money management approach and risk management. Build competency in all these areas. 16 In general the longer term charts( Daily, 4 Hr and 1 Hr) give more reliable signals than the shorter term ones( 30min, 5 min and, 15 min 1 min) which are subject to noise.

Knowing the alternatives will help you develop a personal strategy. Be aware of the many scalping( short term) and position trading( longer term) strategies available to trade the Forex market. These principles have been extracted for information contained on the Forex blog Forextradeoftheday which is sponsored by Expert- 4x and submitted by Chris Doyle. Please submit any feedback or comments to info@ expert4x. com


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